Source says Microsoft is now working to prioritize features

Jan 19, 2016 18:37 GMT  ·  By

Redstone is the codename of the upcoming big update for Windows 10 and rumor has it that it could arrive in the summer with a number of exciting features, including support for extensions in Edge browser.

But a new report coming from Petri and citing sources with knowledge of the matter reveals that some of these features might not be ready for Redstone, as Microsoft has decided to focus more on the internal build compiling system lately. As a result, there might not be enough time to get all features ready in time for the big launch.

While we’re still far from the debut of Redstone, the report claims that Microsoft wanted to keep on its promise to release Windows 10 builds faster to insiders, to the company worked specifically on improving its internal systems for this.

Faster updates, more new features

This means that some of the features that were initially planned to arrive in Redstone might not be ready for the launch, yet this doesn’t mean that Microsoft plans to give up on them. In fact, work will continue on all planned features in the coming months and insiders could start seeing them at some point in the future, but they will be added to Windows 10 at a later time and not with the Redstone update.

At this moment, the development team is trying to prioritize features and determine which one can be pushed back and which should be part of the Redstone release in the summer.

The internal adjustments that Microsoft has made to its build compiling system are also among the reasons why current Redstone releases only brought small changes to insiders.

But once Microsoft completes work on this new infrastructure, the company should start delivering updates at a faster pace and including new features that could be part of the Redstone release as well.

At this point, it’s not yet known which are the features that Microsoft might hold back when Redstone hits the market and it would definitely be very frustrating for users to see browser extensions impacted by this. But hopefully, the company would restart work on these features ASAP, go at full speed and bring them to the market shortly after the next update.