A number of other improvements have been made as well

Feb 10, 2016 19:27 GMT  ·  By

The Manjaro developers have released the seventh update pack for Manjaro 15.12 (Capella), which means that it's passed the halfway for support.

If we take a look at the previous Manjaro releases, we see that they got around 10 or 12 update packs before the developers moved to another version, we can deduce that they are probably past the halfway point.

It's not a big deal since Manjaro is based on Arch Linux and it's fully compatible with its repositories. In any case, each update pack for Manjaro usually brings some package updates and new kernels. At times, some bigger upgrades land for stuff like the desktop environment, but the recent one doesn't have anything that fancy.

What's new in Manjaro 15.12 (Capella)

As usual, if you already have the operating system installed, all you have to do to get these packages is to keep your system up to date.

“Also, we have updated our vertex themes and mirrorlist. Calamares is now in its seventh beta release with a reworked partitioner module. Additional updates for eric, maia themes, chromium, calligra, haskell, mythtv, nvidia driver, lightdm, added amdgpu support to mhwd, profiles and settings of manjaro-tools can be found within this update,” developers said.

According to the changelog, pacman 5 support has been added, the AUR package now displays in a separate list, the display time remaining for downloads is now shown, a number of speed improvements have been implemented, and the notification handling has been refined.

The supported Linux kernel now includes the following versions: Linux310 3.10.96, Linux312 3.12.53, Linux313, Linux314 3.14.60, Linux316, Linux318 3.18.26, Linux319, Linux41 4.1.17, Linux42, Linux43 4.3.5, Linux44 4.4.1, and Linux45 4.5-rc3.

You can download Manjaro 15.12 from Softpedia and take it for a spin. It works great in virtual environments if you don't want to install it.