FreeBSD was added to metainfo.yaml in all tested frameworks

Dec 13, 2016 01:40 GMT  ·  By

With a two-day delay, the KDE Frameworks 5.29.0 made its entrance in the last minutes of December 12, 2016, as the most advanced collection of add-on libraries for Qt 5, used for the development of apps for the KDE Plasma 5 desktop environment.

KDE Frameworks 5.29.0 is the monthly maintenance update that brings lots of improvements across all components, including Breeze icons, which received icons for the Claws Mail e-mail client and GDrive Google Drive command-line client, KWayland for better Wayland support, as well as Plasma Framework.

However, from time to time, the development team behind KDE Frameworks also introduces some new features, and this time they're announcing the general availability of Prison, a new framework that can be used for the generation of barcodes, including QR codes, and support for FreeBSD systems to metainfo.yaml.

"KDE today announces the release of KDE Frameworks 5.29.0. This release is part of a series of planned monthly releases making improvements available to developers in a quick and predictable manner. This release includes Prison, a new framework for barcode generation (including QR codes)," reads the announcement.

More Wayland improvements land in the latest KDE Frameworks release

As mentioned before, KDE Frameworks 5.29.0 adds great improvements to the KWayland module to ensure that your KDE Plasma 5 desktop environment and applications are working out of the box. KPackage Framework, KNotification, KPty, KTextEditor, KTextWidgets, and KWidgetsAddons also received some fixes.

Additionally, KDE Frameworks 5.29.0 brings various minor improvements to the Oxygen icons, Plasma Framework, syntax highlighting, Solid Qt hardware awareness solution, Sonnet multilingual spell checker, as well as KIO, KInit, KWindowSystem, KIconThemes, KI18n, KHTML, KFileMetaData, KDESU, KCrash, KDesignerPlugin, and KCoreAddons.

The KConfigWidgets, KConfig, KAuth, KArchive, KActivitiesStats, KNewStuff, and Baloo components also received attention in KDE Frameworks 5.29.0, and there are some enhancements for the KDE Doxygen tools, Framework integration, and extra CMake modules too. Users are urged to update their installations as soon as possible.

KDE Frameworks 5.29 Changelog