A fresh update for KDE Frameworks is out

Jul 10, 2015 14:36 GMT  ·  By

KDE Frameworks 5.12.0 has just been released by the KDE Community, and the developers have closed a lot of bugs and various other issues. It's just a maintenance update, but Frameworks is an important component, and any update to it will be very important.

The old KDE SC project, better known as the KDE Software Compilation, has been reorganized into KDE Frameworks, KDE Plasma, and KDE Applications. Frameworks is basically the backbone, Plasma is the desktop, and Applications is self-explanatory. The reason for this separation is efficiency. Developers wanted to increase the pace of releases for the KDE project, and they didn't want to wait around for various components to be ready. This way, when a new Plasma version is ready, its devs don't have to wait until all the others are ready.

Most of the community has gotten used to the new way KDE is organized, and most of the important distros using this desktop environment have adopted the new packages. This is the reason why KDE Frameworks will soon start to show up in various repos.

KDE Frameworks 5.12.0 is ready for upgrade

"KDE Frameworks are 60 addon libraries to Qt, which provide a wide variety of commonly needed functionality in mature; peer reviewed and well tested libraries with friendly licensing term. This release is part of a series of planned monthly releases making improvements available to developers in a quick and predictable manner," wrote the KDE devs.

According to the changelog, all devices from the adapter are now removed before removing the adapter (Bluez), an option not to track the user when in specific activities has been added for KActivities, the x-euc-tw prober has been removed, K5 docbook templates have been updated, the kwallet-query command-line tool has been improved, and many more other changes have been implemented.

You also have to keep in mind that KDE Frameworks 5.12.0 is a sophisticated piece of software, and you really need to know what you are doing if you decide to compile it. You can download the source packages for KDE Frameworks 5.12.0 from Softpedia.