iWalk, new foldable headphones for iPod nano (LP-IP001/LP-IP002)

Apr 10, 2007 07:09 GMT  ·  By

There's the iRak rack, the iRan shoes and now, there's also the iWalk headset for day walkers. The headset, which was revealed at CES 2007, comes in 2 versions, one compatible with the first generation iPod nano (LP-IP001), and the other suitable for the second generation (LP-IP002). Ever felt like not knowing what to choose when it comes to colorful headsets? Well, you'll only have to choose from two non-colors in this[ADMARk=1] case.

Yes, you can access the scroll wheel without taking the iPod from the slot, but there's a wrinkle to this: you must take the headphones off your head first. It might have lots of potential, but no eficiency.

The device weighs only 150 g so it probably won't affect you if you feel you already have too much trouble on your 'mind'. However, if you decide to loosen up these Dumbo years, you can also fold them. This is actually supposed to make them easy to hide from other curious joggers. But how could you hide 2 elephant ears?

The headphones will work with other MP3 players or your computer using the 3.5 mm audio cable that comes in the box. If you happen to have companionship, you can also share the iPod nano between two headphones.

If the "others" will see you wearing this, they will probably imitate you (or maybe you will just be ridiculed for your big "ears"). Come to think of it, if the iWalk headphones really become popular, jogging or walking will never be the same. This is what might happen: you will have to run inside a huge horde of Dumbo-like creatures moving in 2 parallel columns.

The iWalk headphone retails for 6,980 Yens (about) 58$.

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