Street View will be coming to iOS web maps ‘Thursday,’ says WSJ columnist

Oct 3, 2012 20:31 GMT  ·  By

iOS customers using the new Google Maps web app on their Apple devices are in for a treat tomorrow as the search giant in Mountain View, California is planning to unleash Street View for the web implementation of its Maps services.

Aimed at the Android user base, the Street View update will also touch the iOS camp thanks to the ability to use a Google Maps web app in iOS 6 through Safari.

The news comes via technology columnist Walt Mossberg, one of the most respected tech reviewers.

He noted in his analysis of Android Maps vs. iOS Maps that “Google plans to announce on Thursday that it is adding its popular Street View feature, missing from Apple’s maps, to the Web version of Google Maps accessed from the iPhone and iPad.”

Mossberg said the feature worked well, adding that it allowed him “to see the locations and pan around with a finger.”