Some of the best works that are famous on TV were originally great books

Aug 3, 2014 19:39 GMT  ·  By
The greatest TV Shows on the small screen would have been nothing without the original books they were written from. iBookstore honors the great authors that lead to some of the most acclaimed TV Shows. 
The new selection is called "Books Made into TV Shows" and it has five different categories: New & Coming Soon, Ongoing Shows, In Development, TV Show Tie-Ins, More Bestsellers Made into TV Shows. If you don't care about spoilers and you want to know what is going on in your favorite TV show before it is even filmed, you can get a chance to look smarter than your friends. 
In the New & Coming Soon category you will find the brand new book by Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan – "The Strain." The creator of "Pan's Labyrinth," "Hellboy" series, and the awesome action flick "Pacific Rim" has written a book about the battle between man and vampire. "The Strain" is one of the most appreciated TV shows of the moment. Only four episodes have been released, but the whole book is out and you can read all about it. The book is $5.99 in the iBookstore, and two months after its release it has already been named a "New York Times Bestseller."
In the Ongoing Shows category, there's plenty to choose from. You can get "Orange Is the New Black," "A Game of Thrones," and "Doctor Who: Silhouette" among others.

"A Game of Thrones," for example, is the book George R.R. Martin wrote and released back in 1996. The TV show became famous after its debut on HBO. This modern fantasy has grown to become one of the best shows in recent history, with millions of fans and huge budgets. Although the TV Show is at its fourth season, there are still two seasons to be filmed until 2016.

"Orange Is the New Black" is a Netflix original series with 3 seasons so far and one of the highest rated TV shows that is not even on TV. 

You will find 25 different books in the In Developement category. J.K. Rowling's "The Casual Vacancy" is one of the most appreciated, along with "Halo: Cryptum" by Greag Bear. 
We believe that the category with the books that you will love is TV Show Tie-Ins. That is because "24: Deadline," "Sleepy Hollow," "How to Survive a Sharknado," and a children's fiction book about "Transformers Prime" are hits on TV.
Make sure to check out all the books in this selection and get your favorites before the TV shows end.