To the SMB Market

Jan 11, 2007 14:08 GMT  ·  By

A hosted version of the Miclrosoft SharePoint Services v3.0 is available via groupSPARK partners on the small and medium business market. groupSPARK revealed via a press release that SMBs will be able to provide secure, scalable and affordable enterprise-class collaboration portals.

"SharePoint Services v3.0 is a tremendous application for driving organizational effectiveness and companies of all sizes are seeking ways to put it to work for them," explained Ravi Agarwal, chief executive officer of groupSPARK. "By providing our partners with a hosted, private-label version, they are able to bring the benefit of SharePoint Services v3.0 to a far wider range of companies."

Microsoft SharePoint Services v3.0 addresses consultants, ISPs and Web hosting companies that are looking to implement the latest in collaboration technology. SharePoint Services v3.0, will enable customers to build customized collaboration portals in order to drive their business.

"Hosted solutions are increasingly seen as the most sensible approach to bringing enterprise-class applications to small and medium businesses," said Agarwal, "as there is no need to purchase additional hardware or software or manage the resources. Our partners are looking for new products and services they can offer to their existing customers while businesses seek ways to gain access to new and powerful applications. Our host model is meeting the needs of both groups."

groupSPARK additionally revealed that the SharePoint plans it is prepared to offer to partners include up to 10 GB of storage space.