GNOME 3.24.1 packages are coming soon to a distro near you

Apr 12, 2017 22:01 GMT  ·  By

Matthias Clasen was pleased to announce today, April 12, 2017, the availability of GNOME 3.24.1, the first point release to the latest GNOME 3.24 desktop environment for GNU/Linux distributions.

GNOME 3.24 launched three weeks ago as the most advanced version of the open-source desktop environment used by default in numerous Linux-based operating systems, including Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, OpenSuSE, and many others. As mentioned before, GNOME 3.24.1 is the first maintenance update to the stable series, adding various improvements and bug fixes.

"Here is our first update of GNOME 3.24, including many bug fixes, documentation improvements and translation updates," said Matthias Clasen. "Packages should arrive in your distribution of choice soon. If you want to compile GNOME 3.24.1 by yourself, you can use the jhbuild modulesets available here: Arch="" are="" arrive="" as="" available="" based="" be="" both="" bug="" by="" can="" choice="" clasen.="" coming="" compile="" compiling="" components="" core="" curious="" currently="" days="" desktop="" development="" devs="" distribution="" distributions.="" documentation="""" dubbed="" early="" environment="" every="" fancy="" files.="" first="" fixes="" fixes.="" from="" get="" gnome="" gnu="" got="" has="" have="" here="" here:="" hesitate="" href="http://Matthias Clasen was pleased to announce today, April 12, 2017, the availability of GNOME 3.24.1, the first point release to the latest GNOME 3.24 desktop environment for GNU/Linux distributions. GNOME 3.24 launched three weeks ago as the most advanced version of the open-source desktop environment used by default in numerous Linux-based operating systems, including Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, openSUSE, and many others. As mentioned before, GNOME 3.24.1 is the first maintenance update to the stable series, adding various improvements and bug fixes. " https:="" if="" improvements="" in="" including="" instructions="" integrate="" into="" is="" it="" its="" jhbuild="" know="" land="" later="" linux="" made="" maintenance="" major="" make="" many="" matthias="" may="" milestone="" modulesets="" month="" more="" mostly="" namely="" news="" of="" on="" one="" opensuse="" os="" our="" packages="" point="" provided="" re="" received="" recommend="" release="" releng="" repositories="" s="" said="" scheduled="" should="" small="" software="" solus="" soon="" soon.="" stable="" start="" studying="" t="" teams="" the="" their="" them="" there="" this="" though="" to="" translation="" tumbleweed="" upcoming="" update="" updated="" use="" users="" vendors="" version.="" want="" way="" we="" well="" what="" which="" while="" will="" with="" you="" your="">"

GNOME 3.24 to make its way into your distro's repositories

As with every first point release of a major project, OS vendors will soon start to integrate it into the stable software repositories of their GNU/Linux distributions. While Solus users have already received packages from the GNOME 3.24 Stack, Arch Linux and openSUSE Tumbleweed users should get them in the coming days as well based on the GNOME 3.24.1 updated version.

If you're curious to know what components and applications got improvements in the GNOME 3.24.1 maintenance release, though there are mostly small bug fixes and translation updates, we recommend studying both the Core NEWS and Apps NEWS files. If you fancy compiling GNOME from sources, don't hesitate to use the instructions provided by the GNOME devs in the release announcement.

The GNOME 3.24 desktop environment will get one more point release, namely GNOME 3.24.2, which is currently scheduled to land on May 10, 2017, with more improvements and bug fixes. In the meantime, development of the upcoming GNOME 3.26 release has started, and a first milestone should be made available to early adopters later this month, on April 26, dubbed GNOME 3.25.1.