Profile pictures are also moving to the center of the screen

Oct 1, 2015 20:32 GMT  ·  By

Facebook profiles are going to look radically different in the upcoming future, as the company is planning to add support for video profile images, a new bio field, and to also overhaul the profile page design on mobile devices.

"The world has changed since we first introduced profiles in 2004," Facebook's product managers said. "Today we’re starting to test the next step in an obvious evolution of profiles: profile videos."

This feature will basically add an upload video option to the profile avatar field. Once the user's video is uploaded, Facebook will resize it, and then loop it, and it will automatically play for all people that visit your profile.

Profile pictures that will appear for a short period of time

Besides the looping GIF-like videos, Facebook engineers are also preparing timed profile pictures. This allows users to set a profile picture for a number of days, and then revert back to their previous photo when the timer expires.

This feature was inspired by the company's Celebrate Pride filter, which members utilized to show their support for the LGBTQ community, but eventually turned back to their previous avatar photo in the meantime.

As Facebook says, timed profile pictures can be great to use while going on vacation, for birthdays, or for supporting various social media campaigns.

Bio fields and centered profile images

If you like the Twitter Bio field, then prepare to craft your own custom description for your Facebook profile, because the company is thinking of adding one as well.

This new Bio field will be shown right under the profile picture, and can be used to add details which other crafty users were previously showing with the help of their "Work" field.

On top of this, users will also be able to set the order of their top 5 featured images, and also what images get to be shown there. This field usually displayed the last five photos.

A change is also expected for the profile picture position, the company announcing that it will move it from the left to the center of the screen, for now only on mobile devices.

The new update has started rolling out to iOS users in California and the UK, and is currently in a testing phase. If users are receptive to the new changes, you may expect them to hit Android and desktop devices in the upcoming months.

Facebook's new user profile (3 Images)

Center-aligned profile picture, and the new Bio field
Timed profile picturesVideo-based profile pictures
Open gallery