Your AMD Fiji GPU could use some extra CUs

Aug 6, 2015 15:40 GMT  ·  By

Developed by the folks at the forums, CUINFO allows you to see which Compute Units are enabled or disabled in your AMD GPU.

With CUINFO, you'll be able to see exactly which Compute Units are disabled. Some of the CUs are hardware-locked by the manufacturer to prevent catastrophic overheating, others are simply defective, while others are simply laser cut and impossible to unlock. What this tool does, however, is tell you how many CUs are at your disposal and can be unlocked via custom BIOS.

Unfortunately, CU unlocking isn't as easy as it seems, and more than that, sometimes it's not even accessible to all AMD GPU owners, as some CUs may arrive damaged from the start.

To be able to unlock said Compute Units, all or at least one of the rightmost columns must be filled with X-es (disabled units). If none of the two rightmost columns is filled with "X," then you're probably out of luck and you shouldn't try any form of CU unlocking.

On the forums, there is a special subthread where you can find a tutorial on how to flash and install a new unlocked BIOS.

When you manage to unlock those extra Compute Units, you'll have 3840 CUs instead of the standard 3584 Shaders. If you're lucky, you could push the boundaries of your GPUs a little, but remember that you're doing it at your own risk!

If all or one of the rightmost colums is filled with "X", your're in luck
If all or one of the rightmost colums is filled with "X", your're in luck

Unlock Compute Units on your AMD cards (3 Images)

Your Fijis and Tongas could get that extra power
If all or one of the rightmost colums is filled with "X", your're in luck3840 CUs instead of 3584 confirmed
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