More details will arrive via Twitch stream every Wednesday

Mar 17, 2016 22:38 GMT  ·  By

Video game developer Bungie is announcing that it is planning to launch update 2.2.0 for Destiny on April 12 of this year, designed to introduce a range of changes to the social shooter that should improve the overall experience for all those who are playing it, regardless of chosen class or style of play.

The April Update is the big content drop that gamers have been waiting for since the start of the year, and fans will be happy to have a clear day to look forward to, even if they do not have a lot of details about its content.

The official site explains that there are new Player versus Environment challenges coming to Destiny and that new gear for all Guardians is coming, along with updates to already existing weapons and armor.

A new quest for the game will arrive, which features the Blighted Chalice Strike, and the maximum level of both light and the rewards associated with activities will be boosted.

Destiny will also receive improvements for the Crucible and the sandbox, and Bungie also suggests that there are other tweaks that will be revealed at a later date.

The new content will be free, but it seems that it is only offered for those who have picked up The Taken King expansion for the shooter.

Content details will be delivered via streaming  

Gamers who are interested in getting more information about the April Update for Destiny will need to tune into the official Twitch account of Bungie on three consecutive Wednesdays, at 11 AM Pacific Time on March 23, March 30 and April 6.

The development team also says that it plans to deliver improvements to the way the social ecosystem associated with the shooter works.

The official announcement adds that those clans who have more than 100 members across the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One will have their roster broken into two rosters with clearly defined names that can then be tweaked.

Bungie adds, "if you’re the Founder of a Clan of which you’re not a member, you’ll be asked to choose a Captain to lead that Clan as a member of your staff. If you’ll be affected in either way, you’ll receive a private message from me on The only thing you need to do in advance of the update is sit tight until April 12th. We’ll do all the heavy lifting for you."

A full expansion for Destiny will also be launched this year and a sequel for the title is set to arrive at some point in 2017.