The Damage Referee is also used to improve matches

Mar 9, 2016 07:25 GMT  ·  By

The development team at Bungie has pledged it will enhance the experience offered by Destiny this year while addressing the problems that the community flags and hotfix is now live for the social shooter to introduce new matchmaking settings.

According to the official site, all the matchmade Crucible playlists are now instructed to make latency settings the most important element when looking for players to join the action, with a smaller set of limits used to make sure that the level disparity between those involved is not too high.

The Damage Referee system for Destiny is also live for all the above-mentioned playlists, which means that players with solid connections might see their game run smoother while those who are either manipulating their own or suffering because of poor quality from their providers will find that the game is a little more difficult for them.

These changes are designed to make sure that players find a match very quickly and are paired with others who have good ping speed so that they can enjoy their battles without any frustration.

Bungie has been experimenting with different settings for matchmaking since late last year, but it has only recently started talking to the community about the changes and their aims for the entire system.

Destiny is preparing for a major spring update

Fans are at the moment satisfied with the new matchmaking system, but they are also cautious given the problems that the system has had for the past few months, but the focus at Bungie is shifting towards the long-awaited new content drop that's supposed to arrive before the end of spring.

The community has not been satisfied with events like the recent Crimson Days, designed to celebrate Valentine's Day, but the studio says that it will have a wide range of interesting activities for gamers in a few months.

Bungie says that the focus will be on Player versus Environment action, and presumably they are also planning to add more items and some new gameplay mechanics, even if the company is tight-lipped about the full list of improvements that are coming.

The size of the content drop should be about the same as that of The Taken King.

A paid expansion for Destiny should also be launched before the end of the year, according to information from Activision, and the two companies are also working on a full sequel for the social shooter that will be delivered in 2017.