Nolan North is available for future work for the character

Aug 12, 2015 22:23 GMT  ·  By

The Taken King expansion for Destiny is set to deliver a wide range of changes to the core Destiny experience, but many players believe that one of the biggest modifications for the shooter is that Peter Dinklage will no longer be the actor that delivers the lines for Ghost.

Nolan North will pick up the role of the companion and it seems that the biggest reason for the tweak is not the quality of the delivery but the fact that the actor has a number of Hollywood commitments that leave him with no time to work on expansion content.

Mark Noseworthy, an executive producer working on Destiny, is quoted by Game Informer as saying that the change was motivated by the requirements of development rather than any reasons linked to delivery or fan reactions.

He says that Nolan North is more available and "You can just call him up and say, 'Hey, next week we’re doing this internal play test, and it would be great to get some Ghost dialogue in there'. And he’s available."

Peter Dinklage has a recurring role in Game of Thrones that occupies much of his time, and he is also working on other movie projects.

Nolan North, on the other hand, has a long history when it comes to video game voice work and can be relied upon to work on Destiny when the development team at Bungie demands it.

The Taken King will introduce a range of other changes

Gamers will quickly notice the change of voices for Ghost, but the expansion will tweak many other core gameplay mechanics for Destiny while also adding some new ones.

The progression system of the shooter will now focus more on classic experiences, with a smaller role for the Light Levels that were present since launch.

Gamers will also be able to take on a new six player raid that allows them to battle Oryx, a new powerful boss that has come to the solar system in order to take revenge on the Guardians that defeated Crota.

The Taken King also adds more strikes, new subclasses for characters and a variety of new options for weapons and items.

Bungie also plans to deliver a big 2.0 update that will tweak the weapons and will fix some gameplay mechanics that the community has been complaining about.

The Taken King will be launched on all platforms on September 15, and PlayStation home console owners will be able to get some extra content.