jq 1.5-r2 command-line JSON processor is also present

May 4, 2016 07:00 GMT  ·  By

The CoreOS developers have released a new version of the Linux kernel-based operating system engineered for massive server deployments, CoreOS 899.17.0.

Powered by Linux kernel 4.3.6, CoreOS 899.17.0 arrived on May 3, 2016, as an upgrade to the previous release of the GNU/Linux operating system, which system administrators can use for creating and maintaining open-source projects for Linux Containers, version 899.15.0.

Therefore, CoreOS 899.17.0 is now the latest stable version of the open-source, lightweight operating system designed for offering an infrastructure to clustered deployments, and according to the release notes, it updates the OpenSSL, ntpd, Git, and jq packages.

OpenSSL has been updated to the latest 1.0.2h release, which patches five critical security vulnerabilities discovered recently, ntpd was updated to version 4.2.8p7, fixing a total of eleven security issues, Git has been upgraded to build 2.7.3-r1 and jq to version 1.5-r2, also patching several vulnerabilities.

More details about the security flaw fixes in the upstream OpenSSL, NTP (Network Time Protocol), Git, and jq packages can be found in the CVE identifiers for common computer vulnerabilities and exposures published in the official release notes for CoreOS 899.17.0.

CoreOS 899.17.0 features systemd 225, Docker 1.9.1, and rkt 1.0.0

The operating system also includes various other updated components, among which we can mention Docker 1.9.1 Linux container engine, systemd 225 init system, rkt 1.0.0 App Container runtime for Linux, etcd 0.4.9 and 2.2.3 service discovery packages, as well as fleet 0.11.7 distributed init system.

CoreOS 899.17.0 is the latest stable build of the Linux kernel-based operating system, which means that it is intended for production clusters. You can download CoreOS 899.17.0 via our website, and don't hesitate to check out the OS' homepage for more details on how to get started with CoreOS, and to download the Beta and Alpha releases, where the bleeding-edge stuff happens.