A maintenance update that improves various components

Apr 4, 2017 23:50 GMT  ·  By

Canonical's Jamie Bennett announced today the availability of a new maintenance update for the major Snapd 2.23 release of the Snappy daemon implementation for Ubuntu Linux.

Snapd 2.23.6 is now the latest stable version of the daemon, available for all supported Ubuntu releases. It brings robustness improvements to the configuration hook system by implementing a 5-minute timeout for the configure hook, along with the ability to report any failure.

"This release focuses on improving the robustness of the configuration hook system. The new release is available in the core snap in the stable channel and should be making it’s way to you soon automatically. It is also available in the 14.04, 16.04, 16.10 and 17.04 proposed pockets," reads today's mailing list announcement.

Additionally, Snapd 2.23.6 fixes the interfaces-cups-control component for the upcoming Ubuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) operating system, renames the file that contains the snap-confine AA profile to "workaround dpkg," and updates the snapstate to restart when needed if the core or kernel snap was relinked.

Support for more GNU/Linux distributions coming soon

Among other interesting improvements implemented in today's Snapd 2.23.6 maintenance update, we can mention support for snap core set pi-config.framebuffer_{width,height} config.txt setting and a few more that can be viewed at https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/configuration-options-for-core-snap/87.

Last but not least, Snapd 2.23.6 makes it possible for upgrades to always be installed by ignoring any configure hook failures on core refresh. To install it on a supported Ubuntu Linux operating system, run the following command in the Terminal app. Check out the GitHub release notes for more details on the new changes and if you want to download the source tarball.

sudo snap refresh core