This is one of the products that never got to see daylight

Nov 30, 2015 06:30 GMT  ·  By

If you’re still drooling over the Surface Mini, which was probably Microsoft’s most exciting small tablet that never came to be, here’s something that could be at least as appealing.

Microsoft and Nokia have reportedly worked together on another tablet that was known as Mercury, and according to famous leaker Evan Blass, it looked exactly like the one in the photo you see here.

Basically, this project was a collaboration between Microsoft and Nokia, but as you can clearly see in the photo, it was Microsoft’s logo the one to be used on the device.

Right now, there’s absolutely no information about the Microsoft Mercury tablet, so specs and technologies supposed to be used on the device are still an enigma at this point. And yet, it appears that Microsoft wanted to make the tablet look like a supersized version of its Lumia phones, most likely in an attempt to offer that one similar experience across all its devices.

Windows 10

As you have probably heard already, with Windows 10 Microsoft’s trying to offer users the same experience no matter their device, this Mercury tablet with a Lumia-like design was probably an attempt to push this effort beyond the software world.

Since it had the Microsoft logo on the back, which is a sign that it’s a post-Nokia project, the tablet was most likely supposed to ship with Windows 10, so it could help the company expand its business in the tablet industry.

But for now, Microsoft seems to be all about premium Surface models, and the Mercury would have only caused more problems in the hardware industry where more and more partners are criticizing the company for expanding so much in this area.

For the moment, put this on the rumor list and don’t expect Microsoft to discuss the project anytime soon because these days the company seems to be all about leaving the past behind.