Gathered data will be used to improve the shooter

Aug 11, 2015 19:51 GMT  ·  By

Video game developer Treyarch and publisher Activision have already delivered a video for the multiplayer beta stage for Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 and they are also ready to offer information on the kind of content that gamers will be able to test.

There are three maps that will be offered on the PlayStation 4 starting on August 19, and on August 26 of this year on the Xbox One and the PC.

In Hunted, gamers will be able to explore an Ethiopian area, with rugged terrain flanked by a lush mountain and waterfalls.

Combine is linked to the Sahara desert in Egypt and allows gamers to explore a research facility with some interesting flanking options.

Finally, Evac takes place in Singapore.

The game modes for the multiplayer beta for Call of Duty: Black Ops 3  will include: Team Deathmatch, Domination, Demolition, Kill Confirmed, Hardpoint, Capture the Flag, and Search & Destroy.

When it comes to the all-new specialists, gamers will be able to use Ruin, Outrider, Prophet, Battery, Seraph, Nomad, Specter and Reaper, all of whom have a full biography offered on the official site.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 is also introducing the weapon paintshop and more customization

Gamers will also be able to test the new weapon painting option in the shooter, which allows them to create truly unique guns and express their personality.

Other customization options are also offered for the characters, and gamers will be able to see how the new dynamic, focused elements of the shooter play out.

Treyarch adds, "Since this is a Beta - and because it’s important that we stress test the game in particular ways - we will have gated progression caps along the way. Also, note that Arena won’t be available in the Beta; however, we suspect that won’t take the competitive edge off of the games being played."

The company says that all the data gathered in the multiplayer beta will be used to make the shooter better on launch date.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 will arrive on the Xbox One, the PC, the PlayStation 4 and older devices on November 6 of this year.