Alexander Pylyshenko is fairly confident the felines will not harm him

Mar 14, 2013 07:56 GMT  ·  By

Zoo owner Alexander Pylyshenko has recently made it public news that he plans on spending an entire year living amongst lions. More precisely, he is to become a full member of a lion pride and spend his time either sharing a den with them, or taking them to visit his country house.

Interestingly enough, Alexander Pylyshenko's decision to live amongst lions for one full year has little to do with his wishing to strike people as a dare-devil, and a lot to do with his hoping to raise about $45,000 (€ 34,600).

Information shared with the public says that this Ukrainian zoo owner needs this money in order to build a rehabilitation center for abused lions and other big cats, Huffington Post reports.

It is Alexander Pylyshenko's hope that his spending this much time amongst lions will also allow him to write a book about them.

As he explains, he will have quite a lot of time at his disposal and he will also be able to gather first-hand information concerning the behavior of these animals, so piecing together one such book should not be a very difficult thing to do.

The same source informs us that, during those hours when he neither works on his book nor interact with the lions, Alexander Pylyshenko plans to take up painting.

His spending one year living amongst lions will not be the first experiment of this kind for zoo owner Alexander Pylyshenko.

Thus, it was back in 2011 when this man decided to walk inside two such big cats' den and remain there for a total of five weeks.

Since nothing went wrong during these five weeks of cohabiting with lions, Alexander Pylyshenko believes that no harm can come out of his sharing a home with these animals for 12 months in a row.

The experiment is to be carried out at Alexander Pylyshenko's zoo in Vasylivka, southern Ukraine, and the man promises that he will do his best to broadcast his experience on the web.