Users agree that it’s now the time to move and switch to a newer SO

Jun 13, 2013 18:21 GMT  ·  By

Windows XP will no longer receive updates as of April 8, 2014, so users are now urged to make the move to a newer operating system, be it Windows 7 or Windows 8.

And even though XP is still powering more than 37 percent of all computers worldwide, the 11-year-old OS is slowly losing ground, as more and more people are getting Microsoft’s message.

A Windows XP article published a couple of days ago here on Softpedia presented you with a very interesting Microsoft statement supposed to show everyone that switching to a newer platform should be a priority.

Windows XP is 21 times more likely to be exploited by hackers than Windows 8, the tech giant said, and users seem to agree. Even though some go for Linux, others explained that Windows 8 is basically a pretty smart choice.

Here are a few comments posted on our Google+ page:

“Windows XP, especially XP Professional, was awesome in its day. Windows 8 is crazy awesome, Ubuntu is just as good in my opinion.”

“I decided to jump into it from 7 because I knew I'd have to get used to it eventually... I actually love it now.”

“When windows XP totally fell apart twice in 2 weeks I switched to the then Vista beta and it proved far more reliable. Now windows 7 and 8. Dislike windows XP. Only good thing about it was the compact size.”

“Happy with my Windows 8, great piece of software.”

“XP is NOT SAFE to use anymore, but I still like the user interface much more than Windows 8.”

“XP was great, love Windows 7 as well, but XP was better in my opinion. All of the flashy looks did not change anything. Windows 8, well that's another story.”

“I love Windows 8. I spend 99.9% of my time on the desktop, but even the desktop is a lot better than Windows 7.”

“I really don't see what all the complaining about win8 is for. I switched from XP last week. I use desktop mode 99% of the time. The start screen is the exact same thing as the start menu just expanded.”

In the end, one thing is for sure: Microsoft will officially stop providing support for Windows XP on April 8, so you still have approximately 9 months to make a decision.