Using Blogger Custom Domains

Jan 8, 2007 10:17 GMT  ·  By

Blogger is surely the most popular blog service on the internet, being one of the Google services that is updated periodically and improved with new features, functions and tools. Since the Google acquisition, Blogger had the same interface but, in the same time, the search giant developed another version of the blog service that was in beta stages until last month. The final version of the Blogger contains many attracting features like drag and drop template editing, access control for blogs and custom domains.

Blogger Custom Domains is an innovative function that allows you to access your blog using your domain name with full hosting on the Blogger servers. The service will redirect the readers from your old blog address directly to your domain name. Google's employees posted a message on the official blog to present the new feature and to offer even more details about Blogger Custom Domains.

"The new version of Blogger now supports using a custom domain for serving your blog. If you already own a domain named, say, and want your blog to be served at that address instead of at a address, we can host your blog on that domain for you - for free. Your old Blog*Spot address will forward to your new custom domain, so the switch will be seamless for your readers. Of course, FTP publishing is still available if you'd like to do your own hosting, but using a custom domain gives you a ton of advantages," Lexi Baugher, Google employee, said.

If you want to test this feature provided by the new Blogger, you should login into the service using your Google account but remember that you must switch the version of your blog to the new one released last month.