Latest game or latest OST hit?

Nov 14, 2007 15:27 GMT  ·  By

Is it just me or has YouTube removed its gadgets and games category? While this won't bother you much, as you can search for the latest trailers anyway, it's curios enough that when you type "videogame" in the site's search bar, the most viewed results you get are Mario soundtrack clips. You can check out the most viewed "videogame" clip below, which is pretty cool actually, showing a guy that's performing Mario's theme song, beatbox flute style.

The second most viewed videogame-related clip is named "Mario Piano" and it's basically the same OST, this time played by a blindfolded artist on the piano. In case you're puzzled by these results, try searching the words "video" and "game" leaving a space between them only to find out that the most viewed result is 30 Seconds to Mars' hit song, "The Kill".

It seems that YouTubers dig music rather than games, as the soundtracks are more popular than the titles they're featured in. I know many people who are frenetically searching for Akira Yamaoka's works, having listened to the composer's songs in all of the Silent Hill titles. Mario is surely more popular than Halo 3, although some people can argue for hours about that, but the game's main audio theme can show up as a YouTube clip background, earning enough views to surpass any Halo 3 trailer.

Ten years ago, gamers were gamers and their passion for a certain music genre was only expressed by the fact that they listened to songs on their MP3 players while playing certain titles. As the videogame industry evolved, the developers realized that soundtracks are also important and started including famous artists and hits in the games' audio content. Nowadays, if you're still stuck listening to some year-old song, you can play the latest Need for Speed title or FIFA in order to find out who rocks and which bands are going to be famous soon.