New version of the video sharing service

Oct 18, 2007 13:41 GMT  ·  By

The online video sharing service YouTube rolled out a new version of the technology which is supposed to allow the Taiwanese users to promote their content and share them with other members easier than anytime before. Just like the other versions of YouTube, the new flavor targets the Taiwan residents, providing all the videos and service options in their native language. Moreover, the Taiwanese version of YouTube promotes all the clips offered by the country's partners such as China Television Co., Sanlih E-Television Co., Lion Travel Service Co. and Taiwan Broadcasting System, AP reported today.

It seems like the super giant Google aims to release local versions of YouTube in every country around the world just like the search technology which is currently available in numerous languages. Google adopts the same strategy and gets YouTube into new countries, implementing the local language and offering the consumers the chance to promote their videos easier than on the global YouTube.

A few days ago, YouTube also introduced the Hong Kong version of the video sharing service in a move meant to bring more Chinese residents among the fans of the Google product. Obviously, this release is also supposed to support the company's plans to evolve in China, a country in which Google encountered lots of problems when the leader Baidu managed to steal most of the users.

On Monday, YouTube officially rolled out Video Identification, probably the most awaited technology powered by the online video sharing service which is meant to stop the avalanche of copyright infringement lawsuit involving Google. The product will allow copyright owners to scan YouTube for their creations and, if anything illegal is discovered, to remove them in no time. The function was prepared since October 2006 when Google acquired YouTube but the Mountain View company avoided to launch it yet until Monday even if its video sharing service was often sent to court for copyright infringement.