Getting authentic, verified news stories on YouTube is now possible through the company's Newswire channel

Jun 19, 2015 08:30 GMT  ·  By

Google announced the launch of a dedicated YouTube channel for viewing eyewitness videos, all verified by trained journalists and investigators.

The channel is named YouTube Newswire and has been put together with the help of Storyful, a news agency specialized in finding and authenticating news stories via social media.

YouTube and Storyful have a long history together, working for the first time back in 2011 when the Egypt Arab Spring revolution started in Cairo's Tahrir Square.

With the YouTube Newswire channel, and together with yesterday's update to the Google Trends dashboard that brought support for real-time search query trends and Google News integration, Google is making life easier for journalists all around the Globe.

Anyone from now on, not just news reporters, will be able to access the Newswire channel and see news videos about the day's hot topics, without having to search YouTube with "the right terms" and then sift through tens or hundreds of hoax videos, unrelated content, self-promotional or disguised ads.

YouTube is putting a premium on high-quality news reporting

Along with YouTube Newswire, the company also announced partnerships with WITNESS Media Lab and the First Draft Coalition.

WITNESS Media Lab is a platform that has aided human rights activists by exposing various atrocities committed around the world via user-recorded eyewitness videos.

The first project in which the WITNESS Media Lab and YouTube will be involved is the impact of eyewitness videos recorded during the recent police brutality cases in the United States.

The First Draft Coalition, on the other hand, is a journalist training group that aims to provide information on how media news stories should be verified before hitting the air.

Both projects will contribute in their own way, alongside Storyful, to the Newswire channel's content and quality.