The name stays private and so do any further modifications to the circle

Sep 27, 2011 09:21 GMT  ·  By

Google+ is doing great, now that it's open to everyone it's seeing a new influx of users. How many of those are sticking around is another question, but, for now, the social network is healthy. In the meantime, it's introducing new features big and small.

The latest is in the small category, you can now share a copy of your circles with friends.

If you've created a great circle of people to follow, like a Twitter list, you can make it public for others to check out and possibly adopt as their own.

"Starting today you can actually share your favorite circles with others! So if you’ve got a great Photographers or Celebrities circle, for instance, then you can share a copy with your friends," Google's Owen Prater announced on Google+.

"To get started, just click on a circle from your Circles page, and click Share," he said.

Before you start worrying about what exactly you're sharing, know that you get to control exactly what your friends see. If you make further modifications to the circle after you share it, they won't be public. The name of the circle isn't made public either.

"Importantly: when you share a circle, you’re only sharing its members at that time. Also: the circle name is always private to you, and any changes you make afterwards are private as well," Prater explained.

The new circle sharing feature could come in handy in a number of situations. Using it as a Twitter list, with interesting people to follow, or people related to a certain topic, is one example.

But you can also share a family circle so if new members sign up for Google+, they can get a head start and not have to hunt down everyone.