Fresh ideas needed to revamp the service

Nov 15, 2006 09:31 GMT  ·  By

Yahoo and Google's battle for the first place in Internet searching and advertising caused the departure of two of the best executives from Yahoo, hired at Yahoo Publisher Advertising Network department. More and more users are criticizing the service that it cannot be compared with the one offered by Google. Attracting the majority of customers, the Google service is based on well constructed relations between the company's employees and clients, and also on the ease of use that is offered by the powerful features the service owns.

As a result of this aspect, Bill Demas, senior vice president of the group, announced his departure, the main reason being his intention to lead a small company. He also mentioned that he will remain at Yahoo until the end of the month to ensure a better process for changing the roles.

Will Johnson, vice president and general manager, also announced his departure but the company representatives didn't provide a reason for his leaving.

For their replacement, Yahoo spokeswoman Kristen Wareham sustained that Josh Siegel will take over their roles and "work with tech and acquisition leads to drive the program forward."

"Yahoo! offers a variety of services that help you connect with users in innovative ways - so they can get the most out of your content. Add a new and improved Yahoo! search box to your site and help your visitors find what they're looking for - on your site or on the Web," can be read on the service's official webpage.