Now in Europe and Canada, too

May 4, 2007 07:55 GMT  ·  By

Yahoo Search will now be possible for European and Canadian mobile phone users, too. This comes as part of the expansion made by Yahoo in attempt to surpass Google on the still open mobile phone market.

Until now, Yahoo Mobile Search was available in Britain, Spain, Italy, Germany and France, as it was first launched last year, in the United States. Now, it expands through oneSearch, which returns search results on different subjects, as well as websites of certain brands typed in the search box.

Access to this service is quite easy, as it only asks for a phone with web capabilities. All that the users have to do is go to the mobile Yahoo website or text any search term and send it by SMS. An instant answer to the requested search term will be displayed on the mobile phone's screen. This is an improvement to the mobile search engine, considering the fact that, until now, search results were available only by browsing the Yahoo portal.

Still, people at Yahoo take into account the fact that expectations from a mobile search engine differ from those coming from a PC version. This is why, as a result of the search, information will be displayed and not normal web links to different web sites.

For example, users have access in almost no time at sports scores, movie show times, local weather and directions to different restaurants or shops. The novelty about this system is that with the results returned for specific locations, Yahoo also offers information on their addresses and on the distances that need to be driven to get to them.