Did you use the "Blocked Email Addresses" function?

Sep 26, 2007 08:32 GMT  ·  By

Yahoo Mail has always been one of the most criticized email technologies because the users considered it has weak spam filters which are not able to protect and defend the consumers. Since the new version of Yahoo Mail was officially rolled out as a final release, the Sunnyvale super giant presented new or improved features of the technology every once in a while. Today, Ryan, Community Manager for Yahoo Mail, talked about an improvement over the service's security features which is now capable to block certain email addresses entered by the users.

If you've never tried it, here's what you must do in order to configure it and block certain email addresses: go to 'Options' and click on the 'Spam' link displayed in the left part of the screen. You should be able to see the 'Blocked Email Addresses' section which enables you to insert a new email to the list by pressing the add button.

"We all get some unwelcome emails from time to time. You probably do what I do and just press delete, but sometimes you need a bit more muscle on your side to deal with them. That's where the Address Blocker comes in handy. It stops emails from addresses you don't want to hear from," the Yahoo employee wrote.

This is quite a useful function if you intend to block certain email addresses but let's be honest, today's spam techniques are way too advanced and it's extremely difficult to stop the unsolicited traffic unless the product comes with powerful filters. Most of the spammers are using different email addresses in every attack so there's not much to do to remain 100 percent protected.

Almost every time the Yahoo Mail spam filters are brought into discussion, the giant portal's solution is compared with Gmail, its direct rival which comes with better filters and spam protection. However, in the recent period even Gmail was assaulted by dangerous spam messages so until a software company manages to build a revolutionary spam filter, we're opened to attacks.