The November 2008 DirectX SDK

Nov 6, 2008 16:57 GMT  ·  By

The Games for Windows Branding tool is one of the evolved aspects of the DirectX software development kit launched on November 5, 2008 for a variety of Windows releases, including Windows Vista Service Pack 1 and Windows XP Service Pack 3.

The November 2008 DirectX SDK delivers the Runtime, along with the additional software (updates to tools, utilities, samples, documentation, and runtime debug files) set up to enable developers to create content compliant with DirectX. Both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows are covered by the DirectX SDK update.


The November 2008 DirectX SDK has taken the Games for Windows Branding tool (offered initially in the August 2008 release of the SDK) to the next level. “This tool helps developers and publishers test their compliance against the Games for Windows technical requirements and test requirements,” revealed Microsoft.


However, at the same time, the SDK offers new samples for developers, as well as enhancements to the Echo Effect Added to XAPO Effects Library, Notch Filter Added to XAudio2 and PIX. “The DepthOfField10.1 sample, contributed by AMD, shows how to use depth of field with MSAA on Direct3D 10.1 hardware. The RaycastTerrain sample demonstrates how to render terrain using cone-step mapping in the pixel shader,” Microsoft informed.


Developers will also be able to take advantage of a new effect in the XAPO effects library (XAPOFX), as well as of the improved support and cross-platform compatibility for PIX. “Run files can be played back on either platform regardless of whether the original application was 32-bit or 64-bit. By using the 64-bit version of PIX to analyze your application, you can take advantage of the larger address-space available on 64-bit Windows and reduce the chance of running out of memory,” the company noted.


November 2008 DirectX Software Development Kit is available for download here.