The dash-camera recorded the woman's incredibly calm response while crashing her car

Dec 12, 2013 09:33 GMT  ·  By

Either this woman is one of the calmest persons the world has ever seen or she has so many car flipping experiences that she is no longer impressed.

The dashboard camera recorded the exact moment when the woman driving on a wet road loses control of the vehicle and ends up flipping her car in a violent accident. Most people would have been in shock or panicking or yelling for help, but not this one; she is so calm that she even looks bored.

The only facial expression that she makes visible is when the glass shatters as the car flips onto its roof top and annoys her. The clip shows footage from the insides of the car and the outside, picturing the wet road the woman was driving on.

I tend to believe she had too many similar experiences to be impressed by them anymore and the annoyed look on her face is related to the repair costs she is already used to. But, if it was for the first time, maybe even the second time, and the woman managed to keep her calm like that, it is truly amazing.