The $514 (€378) “Swish Pie” is delivered handcuffed to a personal bodyguard

Dec 4, 2013 21:11 GMT  ·  By

Chef Charlie Bigham created the world's most expensive ready-meal containing some of the most delightful ingredients carefully selected to match the staggering price tag of $514 (€378). The “Swish Pie” contains salted oysters, fresh lobster, caviar, Dom Perignon and gold leafs mixed together in a wooden tray gilded with a 24-carat gold leaf.

If someone desires a fancy meal for two in the comfort of their own house, this exquisite dish is exactly what they were looking for. Charlie Bigham's company, known for supplying fancy meals for Britain's high society, now holds the record for the world's most expensive ready-meal.

The chef describes the dish as “the very pinnacle of gourmet cuisine” having hand-picked all of the fancy ingredients and mixing them in a mouth-watering combination. The meal is served with two pearl spoons and delivered in a bespoke aluminum case handcuffed to a professional security guard, according to Mail Online.

Fresh wild turbot, white Alba truffles with aphrodisiac qualities, Balik Salmon carefully selected from the Barents Sea, vintage Dom Perignon champagne, diver-caught salted oysters and fresh Cornish coast lobster are just a few of the exclusive ingredients used in creating the luxurious fish pie.

“We wanted to take our reputation for making the finest ready meals that bit further and create something truly extraordinary for our customers to enjoy. I've been obsessed with quality ingredients, provenance and unique and delicious flavors,” Mr. Bigham told Daily Mail when describing his newest product.

The famous chef spent months searching for the perfect ingredients included in the ready-meal, because he didn't want to create just a fancy dish, he wanted to develop a unique recipe that will delight people's taste buds like nothing else could.

The special ready-meal is only available for a limited period on the company's website so anyone who wants to get their hands on the mouth-watering fish pie should hurry up and order it.