You will be amazed how far and how fast a motorized pram can go

Oct 15, 2012 15:21 GMT  ·  By

Colin Furze from Stamford has motorized a pram and is hoping to reach 50mph on it. At this point, he has only got to 30mph, but he's hopeful.

Forze, a 33-year-old plumber and stuntman from the UK, has made it his goal in life to hold as many Guinness World record titles as any human possibly can.

According to Mobile News Australia, he holds records for World’s Largest Bonfire, World’s Longest Motorbike and World’s Fastest Mobility Scooter.

Forze is also a dad. He reassures the almost 700,000 viewers who have checked out his awesome clip that there was, in fact, no baby in the pram at the time of the making of the video.

"Some people think I use it every day. They say it's terrible that there's no helmet or seatbelt. I've never said anywhere that I would put a child in it," Furze says.