Players will need the original game for the bulk of the content

Apr 30, 2013 21:45 GMT  ·  By

A Linux working port of Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy has popped up on GitHub, and everyone can download and play it.

The Lucas Arts company has been disbanded a couple of weeks ago, and the source code for both Jedi Knight games has been released, for free and for short while, on Sourceforge.

The developer had to pull it because they unwittingly released proprietary technology and there’s no telling when the games will be made available again.

In the meantime, a regular user, named Jochen Leopold, has uploaded a working port of the first game, Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy.

There is a catch, though. Players will need parts of the original game in order to make it to work.

The game has some dependencies, but they are all accounted for, at least in the Ubuntu repository. So, if you happen to have an original copy of Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, you will be able to play the game in no time.

The libraries needed on Ubuntu 12.10 32-bit can be downloaded with the following command:

sudo apt-get install libopenal1 zlib1g-dev

The libraries needed on Ubuntu 12.10 64-bit can be downloaded with the following command:

sudo apt-get install ia32-libs libxxf86dga1:i386 zlib1g-dev:i386

All the other libraries necessary can be installed with a simple terminal command:

sudo apt-get install codeblocks g++-multilib libgl1-mesa-dev:i386 libxxf86dga-dev:i386 libxrandr-dev:i386 libopenal-dev:i386

That being said, the game still has some issues, but it’s nothing major if we keep in mind that this is not a Linux native title:

• Multi-monitor handling is still experimental; • Some font rendering issues with the Intel Mesa driver are to be expected; • The input handling in window mode is not perfect and still has some bugs.

More details about the port and the installation of Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy can be found on the official GitHub page.