The new tab will be more comprehensive as new features are added

Jan 27, 2012 13:21 GMT  ·  By

Whether they like to admit it or not, bloggers love stats. After all, they wouldn't be posting things publicly if they didn't care about whether people actually read them. knows this and it's got the data to back it up, the stats tab is one of the most popular screens in the dashboard.

Knowing that, decided to add a My Stats tab to the homepage, to make it easier to get to that section without having to navigate through the dashboard.

"With the front page evolving into a one-stop shop for posting, exploring, following and reading blogs, it seemed natural to put your blog stats there, too. Stats are becoming more and more about interacting with your readers and other bloggers," wrote.

There are plenty of ways of discovering your stats on as it is. You can get an overview on the main dashboard as well as dig deep in the dedicated section. But the new tab aims to present stats differently, focusing on engagement.

"You’ll still see your summary stats and chart on your main dashboard, and the full stats page in your dashboard will remain for a while, but the My Stats tab on the front page will soon become the home for the most comprehensive view of your stats," explained.

The stats view has also gotten a visual update now that it's integrated into the homepage. It has a cleaner look, with less graphical elements, but still enough to make it readable. has just gotten started, it plans to add more features to the new tab. One thing that's coming is country stats, so you can see where your visitors come from. In time, it will become the main place users will visit for their blog stats.