May 20, 2011 20:11 GMT  ·  By
Weight loss success story: woman dropped to half her body weight in time for her wedding
   Weight loss success story: woman dropped to half her body weight in time for her wedding

Sometimes, all it takes is a little motivation. Beth Wheeler from the UK found this on her own, when the man who is now her husband proposed to her, and she decided to lose 10 stone (approximately 64 kg) to fit her dream wedding dress.

The moment James proposed to her, she started thinking about the big day and how she’d look when she will walk down the aisle to say her “I Do.”

This was more than enough to get her motivated to change her life and try to get in shape for the big event: so she enlisted with Weight Watchers, she tells the Daily Mail.

In a year, she dropped 10 stone, which is half her body weight. She now tips the scales at 12 stone (approximately 76 kg).

Of course, buying a wedding dress 18 sizes smaller also helped her stay motivated, she admits for the publication.

“It felt like a real achievement to be wearing that dress knowing what I’d gone through to get there and I received so many compliments,” Beth says of her weight loss success story.

She couldn’t have done it without her husband, she explains.

“James has been very supportive and is proud of me. I did start slimming before we got engaged but it was the real motivation and it gave me something to aim towards,” Beth adds.

“Anyone who has ever tried to lose weight will know that you can do it on your own for a few weeks but then easily become fed up so having something to aim for kept me focused,” she says.

Beth insists she didn’t starve herself or put her health in any danger: thanks to Weight Watchers, she managed to overhaul her life completely, by starting to eat healthy and, of course, keep active – though she admits she’s not that big a fan of the gym.

Now that she’s thinner, Beth can also appreciate properly the health benefits to be derived from her weight loss.

“I’ve probably saved myself from diabetes and other illnesses associated with obesity. Now I’ve lost the weight I can see the benefits,” she says.