Together with PETA, she hopes to raise awareness about the foie gras industry

Sep 12, 2012 09:00 GMT  ·  By
Woman is force-fed through a tube to raise awareness about duck and geese abuse
   Woman is force-fed through a tube to raise awareness about duck and geese abuse

Later today, those who plan to go out for a quiet dinner in West Palm Beach, California, might want to stay clear of the Pistache French Bistro (at least between 7 – 8 p.m.), as PETA warns that they will be brought face to face with a rather unsettling image.

Thus, this green-oriented organization plans on having a table installed in front of this restaurant, have one woman sit at it, and then make one man bind her with ropes and force-feed her through a tube and funnel.

Apparently, the end goal is to raise awareness with respect to how ducks and geese are made to suffer by several animal farms for the sole purpose of presenting a handful of customers with what is presumed to be a delicacy: foie gras.

Lindsay Rajt, presently working as an associate director of campaigns for this organization, commented on their decision to put on this show as follows: “PETA activists want to give Pistache patrons a true taste of the main ingredient in every bite of foie gras – animal abuse.”

Furthermore, “People who think that they are demonstrating their taste for haute cuisine by consuming foie gras need to be reminded that what they're actually eating is the diseased livers of tortured animals.”

To be more precise, foie gras is made by over-feeding ducks and geese until their livers become significantly fattier than they would normally be.

Because these birds would not typically eat this much food on their own accord, tubes are inserted through their throat and into their stomach, something which often leads to health complications resulting in the animal's death.

Although the official website for PETA does not explicitly state it, we can only assume that this woman agreed to being treated in this manner, and that the force-feeding will be more of a dramatic reenactment than plain abuse.