Apple forum users report success in replacing their phones

Nov 18, 2014 16:00 GMT  ·  By

A handful of users on the Apple Support Communities forums are reporting a strange issue with the rear-facing camera modules on their iPhone 6 Pluses. The captured image, whether it’s for a video or for photography, is wobbly and blurry.

The issue seems inherent to iPhone 6 Plus, the high-end version of this year’s new iPhone which includes an optical image stabilizer, but also the same zoom parts as the smaller version.

What the users are reporting

Thread starter oneZer01 relays his experience to fellow forum posters, saying, “iPhone 6 plus rear camera is not focusing, won't remain stable and is blurry no matter how still I get whether video or picture.  Automatic or manual focus not working either. Front facing camera works fine. Seems OIS [sic] isn't doing anything but making it worse.”

He supplies a blurry picture (available above), as well as a wobbly video as evidence.

User Bstarr119 chimes in to say, “This is the exact sand issue my iPhone 6 plus is having. Seems to be related to the active image stabilizer and pointing the camera at anything with a refresh rate such as a 60hz light bulb or a TV.”

A customer identified as Scott Story on the forum claims his camera troubles, which are similar in nature to the other users’ reports, began with the iOS 8.1.1 update.

“Tried the camera directly after the update (was previously working fine). If you put the lens to your ear you can hear it vibrating wildly,” which would indicate a hardware flaw. “Not sure if it's the image stabilization or the focus that is causing the issue,” he says.

He then offers even more evidence that the fault lies in the phone’s hardware, saying that “It happens on all apps that use the camera so it's not specific to the built-in camera app.”

Apple replacing/repairing devices on warranty

Some of the customers reporting these issues on the thread are already claiming to have successfully swapped their faulty phones for new ones at their local Apple stores.

It’s only natural, considering that the devices appear to be suffering from a manufacturing defect revolving around the camera module. Apple had better hope this doesn’t become widespread, or a recall will be necessary.

Take a look at the video below to see what these folks are talking about. If you ask us, the end result is actually pretty awesome. Of course, this is no way to shoot video when it matters.

iPhone 6 camera (10 Images)

Blurry photo taken with damaged iPhone 6 Plus
iPhone 6 protuberant camera moduleImage touted by Apple (taken with iPhone 6)