Jan 20, 2007 12:55 GMT  ·  By

SLMGR.vbs is the Software License Manager in Windows Vista. Slmgr.vbs is both a command line utility and a vbs script. It can be used in concert with a command prompt window, from the Run dialog and even in the Search box integrated in the graphical user interface of the Start Menu in Windows Vista.

Via slmgr.vbs Vista, users will be able to rearm the operating system for a total of three times. In this way, the Initial Grace 30 day period of Vista will be repeated each time. But slmgr.vbs permits you to do even more than turn the Vista expiration timer to zero.

When using slmgr.vbs, it is important to know that in a command prompt window, you will be able to enter "slmgr -ato", but in the Start Menu search box, you will have to also add the vbs, and the result looks like this: "slmgr.vbs -ato." Slmgr - ato will enable you to activate the operating system.

Here is some additional usage:

slmgr.vbs [MachineName [User Password]] [] (without inverted commas)

MachineName: defines the name of remote machine, the local machine is default. User: points to an account with administrator privileges and the Password: is the password for the previous account. The list bellow contains the global and advanced options that can be used:

-ipk installs product key or swaps current key -upk - uninstalls product key -ato - activate Windows -dli [Activation ID | All] - license information -dlv [Activation ID | All] - display license information in detail -xpr - displays the expiration date for current license state -dti - display installation ID necessary to activate online -atp - activates Vista with the provided Confirmation ID - (without inverted commas) -cpky - will enable you to remove information related to product key from the registry -ilc - installs a license - (without inverted commas) -rilc - re-install system license files -rearm - reset the licensing status of your Windows Vista

Also, users will be able to install an enterprise volume license key via C:WindowsSystem32Slmgr.vbs -ipk Key run in an elevated Command Prompt window. For MAK license, the option is similar: C:WindowsSystem32Slmgr.vbs -ipk MAK.