Oct 30, 2010 07:35 GMT  ·  By

Redmond-based software giant Microsoft has just released updated Windows Phone 7 Application Certification Requirements, in an attempt to make things clearer, more efficient and more transparent for all application developers interested in the company's platform. The WP7 App Certification Requirements include all the policies developers should be aware of when starting building their applications and games for the mobile operating system.

“It is our ambition to make the certification process as clear, transparent, and efficient as possible for developers. We are always closely monitoring end-user feedback and listening to the developer community and these changes are a direct result of what we’ve heard,” Microsoft's Todd Brix notes in a blog post.

One of the most important change included in in these policies refers to applications running under the locked screen.

Up until now, the applications that run under the lock screen and which were submitted to the Marketplace had to ask for an explicit permission from user to benefit from this feature.

Here's what the updated policies state: “Removed the requirement 6.3.1 Configurable Functionality (you no longer have to ask users to opt in to allowing the app to run under lock as long as you meet the battery life requirements above).”

The section has seen some other updates too: “Separated guidance for audio and/or video applications, and all other applications. Added requirements for minimum battery life and idle behavior while the application is running under a locked screen.”

Among the other modifications included in the new version of the Requirements, we can count:

- a change in the maximum size, which is now 225 MB, down from 400MB - the app title on the phone should be the same as the one entered in Step 2 of the submission process to Windows Phone Marketplace, - a new requirement to not call trial APIs in a tight loop (they behave differently on developer phones than when downloaded from Marketplace), - a second implementation option for Music + Videos Hub Application, - hub tiles in Music + Videos Hub Application should not contain album art unless the album plays when the hub tile is pressed.

Other changes are also there, ans all of them can be seen in the WP7 App Certification Requirements , which are available in the AppHub (the PDF file containing them can be seen here).

It should also be noted that applications already available for Windows Phone 7, which are affected by these changes, would have to comply as soon as the first update for them is submitted to the Marketplace.