Courtesy of Microsoft

Nov 8, 2007 10:56 GMT  ·  By

Feast your eyes on the ultimate Windows Media Center installation. At the beginning of September 2006, Microsoft debuted the search for the ultimate install of its Windows Media Center product under the form of a contest hosted under the Resources for Consumer Electronic Installers umbrella. The competition was of course designed to emphasize the high level of flexibility as far as adaptability, scalability and design go for Windows Media Center entertainment systems. Imperium Smart Systems of Herriman, Utah, was awarded the top prize of the Windows Media Center Ultimate Install Contest, and you can experience the entry submitted in the image included with this article.

"We're extremely pleased to recognize and celebrate the winner of our first annual Windows Media Center Ultimate Install Contest," said Scott Evans, group manager in the Entertainment and Devices eHome Division at Microsoft. "Imperium Smart Systems' incredible result serves as a great example of how the creativity and integration capability of professional installers combines with the platform power of Windows Media Center to create the ultimate connected home experience. We're excited to enable superior home system designers like Imperium to implement and achieve their customers' visions."

The first prize, highlighting the seamless integration of new technology into an otherwise traditional family household, also underscores Microsoft's target audience with its line of Windows Media Center offerings. In fact, Windows Media Center offers users the possibility of bundling together photographs, videos, TV and DVD materials and additional forms of digital content, and is one of the strongest aspects of Windows Vista, the Home Premium and Ultimate editions.

"With 12 distributed audio zones and multiple entertainment access points ranging from in-wall touch panels, Xbox360 consoles, televisions and even an Ultra-Mobile PC, the project featured Windows Media Center at the heart of the installation. The homeowner's experiences embraced numerous categories including management of family's music, pictures, recorded programming and DVD movie library", Microsoft added.