But not very popular

Apr 23, 2007 15:40 GMT  ·  By

When it leaks, it doesn't always pour. This is the conclusion that can be drawn after a beta build of Windows Home Server was leaked to the web by one of the participants in the testing process. Microsoft has subsequently identified the tester that made the code public and took the necessary measures, but denied the fact that the person was a MVP.

However, Windows Home Server is already available for download on peer-to-peer networks. One search on a website that claims to be an index for over 5,000 torrent trackers turned up four results. Microsoft Windows Home Server CTP.torrent, Microsoft Windows Home Server - Beta #2 with. keys.torrent, WINDOWS home server beta 2.torrent and Microsoft Windows Home Server Beta 2 Download Package.torrent.

What is interesting is the fact that two of the torrents are over a month old. Which may mean that Windows Home server could have been leaked by another source in addition to the tester Microsoft tracked down. Still, the remaining two torrents are fresh, only a few days old, one just a few hours. This new added torrents could in fact be the beta 2 build that leaked.

"It stinks that people violate non-disclosures like this. Trust worthy computing is one of Microsoft's core tenets and as such we take public distribution of pre-release software very seriously. The leak was unfortunate, and we took action to find the parties responsible. We are happy to report that has happened," commented in the past Charlie Kindel, Product Unit Manager, Windows Home Server.

One aspect that managed to raise an eyebrow is the fact that the torrents have not proven to be very popular. All four of them only amount to 94 downloads. And the Microsoft Windows Home Server Beta 2 Download Package has no downloads at all in over 6 days, despite of the fact that it includes not only the Windows Home Server code but also additional documentation.