Apr 29, 2011 18:01 GMT  ·  By

There are quite a few new features packed inside Windows 8 already, although the Beta development milestone is still months away, and quite easy to find for those that know where to look for.

This was valid for Windows 8 M1 Build 7850 as the same is the case now for Windows 8 Build 6.2.7955.0, an interim release somewhere between Milestone 2 (M2) and M3.

And the two leaked releases of Windows 8 have another thing in common, hacks designed to bring to the surface the new features that Microsoft locked under-the-hood of the operating system.

There is at least one Windows 8 Build 7955 functional hack that I’m aware of, that, according to reports from testers that tried it, is perfectly capable of unlocking the platform’s hidden features.

The hack, which I’m not going to refer to by its official name, although it’s a direct reference to the first Matrix movie, even comes in multiple versions from various authors.

In this regard, hackers made sure that it not only reveals new Windows 8 features on a clean install of the operating system, but that it also works when the OS is deployed inside a virtual environment.

Using the Windows 8 Build 7955 hack is extremely simple, since it has been designed more as an end user utility than anything else. Testers are guided through the process of unearthing new features in Windows 8 step by step.

However, early adopters that are playing around with leaked copies of Windows 8 and also turning hacks in order to get to the goodies that the software giant doesn’t want them testing just yet, need to exercise caution.

There’s really no telling what these hacks can contain, and more importantly, some users that tried them reported that they resulted in broken functionality across the operating system.

Users that opt to ignore all risks, will be able to unlock new Windows 8 features including: Ribbon UI, Metro UI Login and Lock screen, the new Task Manager, the new Immersive IE Browser, WebCam, Modern Reader, and Touch Pattern Login.