Available for download

Apr 16, 2009 11:15 GMT  ·  By

The Windows 7 Software Logo Toolkit has advanced into Alpha stage, and the download is now live via Microsoft Connect. Just as it was the case with Windows Vista, the Windows 7 logo program aims to provide guidance for customers looking to buy software and hardware, by guaranteeing that the products play nice with the next iteration of the Windows client. Of course, in order to be able to associate their products with the “Compatible with Windows 7” logo, developers have to first test their solutions and meet a series of criteria imposed by Microsoft. The Windows 7 Software Logo Toolkit Alpha is designed to streamline the testing process.

“The alpha toolkit for the Windows 7 Software Logo Program is now available. The toolkit provides you with a quick and agile, automated, light weight command-line tool to verify their application’s compliance against the technical requirements,” explained Bruce Kyle, Microsoft ISV architect evangelist. “The toolkit is being made available and supported through the Windows 7 Software Logo Connect site. Anyone can access the connect site, but to download the alpha toolkit or leave feedback, you need to have an invitation code. Sign up to receive updates to get the code.”

With Windows 7, Microsoft is changing the strategy for the logo program compared to Vista. If Vista had both the Certified for Windows Vista Logo (CFWV) and the Works With Windows Vista (WWWV) programs, Windows 7 will be limited to just the “Compatible With Windows 7” logo, a move that will undoubtedly simplify consumer choice and reduce confusion.

“The alpha release of the toolkit requires a 64bit processor and 64bit Windows 7 operating system,” Microsoft informed. “The beta release is currently targeted for late-May/early-June 2009. The final release of the toolkit will be on or after the GA release of Windows 7.”