Also in Windows Server 2008 R2

Feb 1, 2010 11:20 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft has made available for download a free whitepaper designed to illustrate the performance improvements delivered with the latest iteration of Remote Desktop Protocol in Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7. The documentation can be accessed on the Microsoft Download Center free of charge, and will provide users interested in getting tangible proof of the performance boost of Remote Desktop Protocol 7.0 in the latest versions of Windows Server and client platforms with an excellent resource. According to Microsoft, RDP 7.0 is substantially better when compared to previous RDP versions.

“Highlights include an improved user experience with color depth and font smoothing, lower network bandwidth usage while being able to tolerate higher latency network conditions, and redirection of Windows Media, allowing the possibility of full frame rate remoting of high quality media on LANs on a par with playing multi-media locally,” reads an excerpt from the whitepaper’s conclusion section.

Customers that are already running Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7, or have tested the platforms during development focusing on RDP, know that the technology offers additional features compared to its precursors. RDP 7.0 brings to the table new presentation and remote-oriented functionality, including accelerated bitmap rendering, multi-media redirection streaming, and network topology awareness, according to Microsoft.

“As these features become integrated in the enterprise environment, it is important to analyze and understand their impact on your current network infrastructure and the end-user experience. This paper details different RDP features and the potential improvements to usability and quality of the end user remoting experience as well as system deployment metrics. It also includes performance considerations for individual features that can help guide your decisions when modifying your deployment configuration to improve performance or tune it to the specific needs of your end users,” the company said.

In the whitepaper available for download, Microsoft has outlined various user scenarios and detailed the demonstrations run using automated and simulation tools. According to the Redmond company, the tests are designed to simulate the work of a user running Office applications, as well as a collection of multi-media scenarios.

“In addition, some of the scenarios have been run at increased network latencies to demonstrate the viability of using RDP in distributed environments, such as in Branch offices or telecommuting scenarios where broadband capabilities exist,” the software giant added.