The company uses wind power to develop energy efficient alternatives within the building

Oct 19, 2011 06:41 GMT  ·  By
Burbo Bank Offshore Wind Farm, at the entrance to the River Mersey in North West England
   Burbo Bank Offshore Wind Farm, at the entrance to the River Mersey in North West England

Wind Energy Corporation announced last week, at the Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) its innovative WindSail project, designed for commercial buildings in order to improve their energy efficiency.

The company has relied on wind power to elaborate a strategy that will protect the atmosphere from damaging CO2 emissions, while making the headquarters that use this system more sustainable.

“The presence of a WindSail makes a strong statement about a retailer’s commitment to sustainability,” declared the enterprises' officials.

The main advantage reflected by their work is the fact that clients will be able to benefit from the usage of clean, safe, alternative energy.

Also, a great plus is that the entire process is quiet, as the rotational speed doesn't go beyond 80 rmps.

For those who love animals, there is more excellent news. The birds are able to avoid collision, due to the system's bird friendly shape.

Every company that chooses to apply Wind Energy Corporation's strategy will be excited to know that they will be able to customize their commercial building system, by adding logos, color and graphics.

Using the power provided by wind energy can be a great alternative to the traditional, more expensive sources of energy.

The program follows three main steps. First of all, the objective is to provide green power to facilities using earth-friendly technologies.

Second, the company wants to develop energy efficient alternatives within the building.

Last, but not least, throughout this entire successful initiative, Wind Energy Corporation wishes to educate its employees, partners and clients, by raising the level of awareness regarding the evolution of a more eco-friendly behavior.

“We believe that every commercial building can power itself and wind is an essential part of the solution,” said Jim Fugitte, Founder and CEO of Wind Energy.

In order to be able to provide smart solutions to its clients, the company works in partnership with Dean Kamen’s DEKA Research and Development and the aeronautical engineering firm DAR Corporation.

Due to this collaboration, the enterprise is now able to respond to the needs of commercial buildings located in urban areas.

The intention of replacing traditional forms of energy with green, wind powered ones proves to be a great idea, since studies have shown that more than 50% of the clients choose in favor of a brand known for its eco-friendly conduct.

Therefore, improvements in the technological field will also attract new potential clients who appreciate the company's care for the environment.