And how to do it ...

Dec 6, 2007 17:57 GMT  ·  By

3,000 years ago a Jew king said that " a cheerful heart is an excellent medicine". Today, scientists have come not only to agree with this but to strongly recommend it.

But not everybody has a cheerful nature and few are those who feel they are not overwhelmed by the pressure of the daily life which, in turn, generates many frustrations and makes us pessimistic. But despite this, it is a known fact that being optimistic is truly worth it.

Optimism is defined as being the human attitude of trustfully considering both life and future; the tendency to see the positive side, all that is favorable to things. How does an optimistic person react to failure? He/she does not believe that it all ends there. This does not mean they refuse to see the reality, but that they accept it as it is and analyze everything in detail. Then, if the situation allows it, he/she attempts to improve things.

Oppositely, a pessimistic person blames himself/herself for his/her troubles. This type of person thinks that nothing can be remediated and that all happened due to his/her lack of competence, for not paying enough attention or for not doing anything right. This leads to resignation, and nothing is done to ameliorate the situation.

Does optimism impact our health and wellbeing? It certainly does. Researches made along tens of years revealed that optimistic persons have a better health, and live longer. Optimistic persons are also more resistant to stress and less prone to depression.

Still, it's not easy being optimistic in a world where problems are gradually increasing. Here are some tips for you on how you might be able to do just that:

1.When the thought that you won't enjoy something or won't succeed in doing one thing or another passes through your mind, reject it. Rather think that you will succeed.

2.Try to find pleasure in what you do. No matter what's your job, try to find those aspects that bring you satisfaction.

3.Choose friends that look at life with optimism.

4.When you can change things, act. But try to accept the situations that you cannot change.

5.Write down daily three nice things that happened to you.