It's something about serotonin...

Mar 10, 2007 11:01 GMT  ·  By

To be in a good mood, you surely need a good look...

That's why you're victimized by the toughest diets.

But a new research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology points carbohydrates poor diets (like Atkins) are more likely to give you a bad mood, as carbohydrates stimulate synthesis of the brain chemical named serotonin.

This is the "happiness hormone" that gives us the feel good sensation and its shortage can lead to mood swings and depression.

Low carbohydrates have become hugely popular, but some experts warn that they could provoke diabetes and kidney damage in the long term.

"When serotonin is made and becomes active in your brain, its effect on your appetite is to make you feel full before your stomach is stuffed and stretched. But serotonin is crucial not only to control your appetite and stop you from overeating; it's essential to keep your moods regulated." said researcher Dr Judith Wurtman.

Because carbohydrates (from sweets and starches) raise serotonin levels naturally, they effectively act like a natural tranquilizer.

But carbohydrates should be eaten associated with extremely small protein amounts.

Eating pasta alone booms serotonin level, but chicken and potatoes will not have the same effect.

This research could explain why even after eating a big steak, people still feel hungry, as the serotonin levels do not rise enough to shut off their appetites.

Women seem to be more affected by a lack of carbohydrates, as they posses less serotonin in their brains.

"Some people, "carbohydrate cravers", need to eat a certain amount of carbohydrates to keep their moods steady." said Wurtman.

"They tend to experience a change in their mood, usually in the late afternoon or mid-evening," she said.

These people experience a drive to eat something sweet or starchy during those moments of the day.

The investigations showed that if the carbohydrate cravers eat protein instead of carbohydrates, he/she will turn grumpy, irritable or restless and fatty foods (like bacon or cheese) will just make him/her tired, lethargic and apathetic.

"When you take away the carbohydrates, it's like taking away water from someone hiking in the desert. If fat is the only alternative for a no - or low-carb dieter to consume to satiate the cravings, it's like giving a beer to the parched hiker to relieve the thirst - temporary relief, but ultimately not effective." said Wurtman.

Atkins diet defenders counterattack.

"We would hope that medical practitioners and those who participate in low carbohydrate lifestyles will recognize that mood, and energy levels are related to many factors, and as such reaching conclusions like this is not practical." said Dr Stuart Trager, chairman of the Atkins Physician Council

"Controlling carbohydrates helps people manage their weight, improve body image and stabilizes blood sugar. Additionally, it is important to remember that serotonin, the chemical these researchers are discussing is made within the body from ingested protein, rather than carbohydrates." added Trager.

"It has been suggested that a meal high carbohydrate may lead to an increase in serotonin, but the effect is unlikely to be significant when eating a meal because as little as 2-4% of calories from protein will prevent this. It is worth remembering that many foods - such as milk, beans and even potatoes - contain both carbohydrate and protein." said Brigid McKevith, a nutrition scientist at the British Nutrition Foundation.