The first step to fixing your phone is to do nothing

Nov 15, 2014 08:58 GMT  ·  By

A company called TekDry claims to have found the best solution to draining out the water from a device, restoring its functionality, and saving the content stored on its memory bank.

TekDry’s patented solution will allegedly repair your water-damaged phone in just 20 minutes, restoring contacts, pictures, and every type of media there used to be on there.

“One satisfied customer at a time, TekDry's goal is to recover every wet, non-working phone. In only 20 minutes, TekDry can fully restore your water damaged phone back to its previous condition through our exclusive patented process. This means contacts, photos, emails, if it never happened,” the company says on its web site.

The DOs and DON’Ts

If you’ve accidentally submerged your iDevice in water, TekDry says the safest bet is to do nothing to it and just send it over to them. They say sending it in under 48 hours is crucial (so that the water doesn’t have time to do damage), and you’ll only be paying for the service if they manage to save the device.

“Do NOT plug in your phone if it gets wet - this is critical to recovering your phone! Call TekDry before you try rice! We offer a zero risk model so you only pay when we recover your phone,” says the company. “The most successful recoveries are devices that we receive within 48 hours from getting wet.”

Under no circumstances should the user attempt to turn it back on or plug it in a computer or a charger. The one good thing a tech savvy user can do is remove the battery, if they have the necessary tools and knowhow. If not, it’s best just to leave it like that and send it in as soon as possible.

Rice is also no good

The firm also says not to rely on rice. While it’a proven method of sucking water out of things, it’s also very slow-acting. As noted by TekDry, time is of the essence: “It is critical to get the moisture out quickly to increase the chances of your phone working again,” the firm stresses.

Finally, TekDry says its service isn’t limited to any device brand or type. You can send in any smartphone, tablet, or even a computer and let them repair it for you.

The videos below show parts of the process but TekDry is reluctant to offer more details, such as what exactly is being used to force the water out of the device. The image gallery below also includes more DOs and DON’Ts

TekDry service (5 Images)

Flipping the switch on the TekDry machine
TekDry staffer operating drying machineTekDry staffer operating drying machine