Study claims wine has a therapeutic effect, helps people make it through the week

Aug 8, 2013 18:26 GMT  ·  By

Wine is a magical beverage that has the amazing ability to help the working class make it through the week, a new study claims.

However, for wine to have this effect, it must be consumed on Wednesday, around 7 p.m, preferably with family and/or friends.

Sources say that, according to bottling company Cobevco, most people drink wine on Wednesday. This ritual helps them relax and reminds them that there are only two days left until the weekend.

By the looks of it, men are the ones who start pouring before the official wine o'clock. Women, on the other hand, like to take their time and postpone opening the wine bottle for at least half an hour.

Oddly enough, the study states that regular wine drinkers prefer indulging in this beverage indoors and not at a local bar.