Libyan hackers have taken credit for the attack on the government website

Apr 28, 2014 14:56 GMT  ·  By

A section of the official website of Egypt’s Ministry of Information ( has been breached and defaced by a group called the Libyan Cyber Army (The GreaT TeAm).

HackRead was the first to notice the attack, which took place on Sunday. It’s uncertain why the hackers have targeted this particular website.

According to their Facebook page, the group was founded by Libyan hackers in 2009. They target websites from the UK, the US and Israel. They claim to attack certain websites for a specific reason, but sometimes they do it just for fun.

On the “vote” page of Egypt’s Ministry of Information, the hacktivists posted a picture of the Libyan flag, the message “Hacked by The GreaT TeAm,” and a link to their Facebook page.

At the time of writing, the defacement page is still live. A mirror of the Ministry of Information defacement is available on

The Libyan Cyber Army hasn’t been very active lately, but they have managed to breach a few high-profile websites over the past months. For instance, they defaced a NATO subdomain, and a couple of Libyan government websites.

In December 2013, they managed to deface an Al Arabiya subdomain. That particular page is still online.